Maybe you’re not making the sales you need to sustain your small business?
Or are you struggling to get engagement from your fans?
Honestly, all these problems are rooted
in one fundamental concept
You’re not connecting with your customers!
You need to get down deep with your customers.You need to speak to their desires, their frustrations, their pain.
You need to be the solution to their problem.
(So they can be the solution to yours!)
One trick in the marketing world to make
this process easier and more effective (two
of our favourite things), is to create a Customer Avatar to base your marketing
messaging on.
What is a Customer Avatar?
Customer Avatars (also called Buyer Personas) are fictional, generalized
depictions of your perfect customer – The customer that is perfectly ideal for
your service or product. These avatars help you, as a small business owner,
understand both your existing and potential customers better. By understanding
your customers better, you can tailor content to their specific desires, behaviours,
and problems.For example, if you are a digital marketing consultant, then your ideal customer avatar looks like this
Qualification – Postgraduate
City –XYZ
Email address-XYZ
Interest – To learn new things
Annual income - XYZ
Depending on what kind of business you operate, you could have as few as one or two personas, or as many as 10-20.
How Can Customer Avatars Help?
Your perfect customer avatar can help in lots of ways!
At the most basic level, your avatar will allow you to personalize or target your marketing messaging, allowing you to speak directly to your ideal customer.
Capturing the attention of potential customers is 10x easier when you speak directly to the person – with purpose.
These avatars will also help you curate specific content that will meet the needs or wants of your customers. If you are passively marketing to people, you might curate content related to their interest.
You will find that targeting your content according to your avatar’s needs will generate more leads, more engagement, and even more sales for your business!
How to Make Your Perfect Customer Avatar
customer avatars are created through research, surveys, and interviews of your
target audience. Experts recommendation include a mix of customers, prospects,
and individuals outside of your marketing reach who might align with your
target audience.
There are
a few practical methods of gathering this data. Try some of these for a start!
- Interview customers (in person or on the phone) to discover what they like about your product or service.
- Review your list of subscribers to uncover trends about how certain leads or customers find and consume your content.
- Who interacts with your brand the most on social media? Facebook Ads can give incredible insight into your customers’ demographics, interests, and behaviours.
The customers and audiences are ideal to your product and services , hence proper customer avatar can give you the clear idea of your ideal customers and audiences.From that you can understand your both existing and ideal customer better and will help to streamlined the content creation to their specific desires, behaviours, and problems.
To make it easy for you and get started, I have created a simple customer avatar template for my digital marketing course. The Customer avatar template is easy and simple to use and will guide you to make research on your ideal and potential customer.
You can get customer avatar template for digital marketing course at the following link
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